SMACNA - Arizona Chapter

Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association

beacause-quality-countsAt first glance, “SMACNA” may seem like an unconventional acronym, but with a closer look you’ll find it stands for the very traditional values of quality, leadership and dedication to the needs, both professionally and personally, of our craftspeople.

The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) is the standard-bearer of our industry. Our technical manuals are the accepted standards for sheet metal and air conditioning and we are constantly striving to update them or publish new editions to move the industry forward in the areas of new applications, new materials, safety and training.

To do so, we rely on our 2,000 affiliates nationwide. In Arizona, the contractors who comprise the SMACNA chapter are dedicated to progressive actions that improve both the trade and the construction industry.

  • SMACNA-Arizona contractors lead the heating, ventilating and air conditioning industry by setting the highest standards of performance, service and safety.
  • We serve our contractors by providing training, education and marketing in a professional manner to help our members grow and stay successful.
  • SMACNA-Arizona helps industry partners by offering inspectors training programs, leadership seminars and a resource library.


The Arizona members of SMACNA are signatory contractors of the Sheet Metal Workers Local 359 which ensures that they employ highly trained and skilled craftspeople. Their support of the Phoenix Sheet Metal Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program means that pool of talent will be here in the future.

SMACNA conducts many programs in Arizona and nationwide that benefit the construction industry. Their inspectors training programs, leadership seminars and resource library are just a few of the assets they offer the industry. To learn more about SMACNA in Arizona, e-mail Carol Goguen or call at 602-734-0214.

Click here to download the 2014 SMACNA AZ brochure in PDF format.