SMACNA - Arizona Chapter
Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association
SMACNA-AZ Contractor: Dynamic Systems, Inc.
Project Name: Banner Desert Medical Center – Children’s Tower
Description: The new addition to Banner Desert Medical Center is a tower that will be dedicated to pediatric care. This tower will increase bed space from 137 beds to 248 beds. Medical areas that are included in this tower will be pediatric operating rooms, pre-op and recovery space, an expanded pediatric emergency department, and a new pediatric outpatient treatment center.
Owner: Banner Health
General Contractor: Kitchell
Services Provided: Dynamic Systems, Inc. is contracted as the design lead, which puts DSI in the driver’s seat for composite shop drawings that ultimately steer the project. The biggest challenge the team has faced is the difficulty of coordinating this job. This project is broken into multiple design packages. DSI is working with a compressed schedule so field coordination is key for both the dry side and wet side success.
Contract Amount: $61 Million
Start/End Dates: May 2007 – May 2011
Project Management: Jerry Love, project director; Lori Gossett, Ken Tabbutt, Nathan Vigil and Derrick Pauling, project managers
Mechanical Design Engineer: Dynamic Systems, Inc.
The heartbeat of this tower is the Central Utility Plant. DSI will be increasing the capacity of the existing utility plant with two 1,400-ton chillers, six 1,400-ton cooling towers, and three 20,000 BTU Boilers.
The HVAC system used for this building is state of the art in Arizona’s medical community. It provides a low pressure duct system to the high efficiency variable air volume boxes which enables individual patient rooms to control the temperature and constant air changes. This system helps in keeping temperatures at a comfort level for each individual and his or her personal needs. Coupled with the previously mentioned system, each room is exhausted individually which facilitates the latest standard of air changes needed.