SMACNA - Arizona Chapter
Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association
Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association
Soon SMACNA-Arizona contractors will have approximately half a dozen TAB-certified technicians to call upon for the testing, adjust and balancing of a building for its optimum performance. The testing takes place June 12 and 13 at the Homer Dukes Sheet Metal training center in Phoenix which houses the only TABB-certified training lab in Arizona.
Even before students are allowed to take this practical test, they must pass a five-hour written test which has 100 questions related to the air balance and fine tuning of a building so that it runs the way engineers intended it to run – as energy efficient as possible.
The three semester, 240 hour training it takes to get to this point, allows students to learn about industry standards and procedures in building testing, adjusting and balancing through both classroom and hands-on training
Once they pass, students will be TAB certified, which means they’ll be trained in proper methods for testing building systems for best performance. Seven students will take the test. Five from SMART Local 359, one from Seattle SMART Local 66 and one from Las Vegas SMART Local 88.
SMART Local 359 third year apprentice Tyler Ross says this certification gives him a better chance of getting a job. “Even though this was a very tough program, I’m glad I went for it,” says Ross. “Now instead of waiting on an out-of-work list, I’ll have another certification on my belt to show contractors I’m the technician for the job.”
“Sooner or later most buildings will be forced to be as energy efficient as possible,” says Instructor Steve Mckinney. “These guys are a step ahead of the game because they will be ready to fill the type of requested positions that call for knowledge of the way building systems work.”